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Bible & Church/Theological Seminar

Westminster Confession, Chapter 2. 2. Westminster Confession, Chapter 2. 2. God has all life, glory, goodness, and blessedness in and of himself. He alone is all-sufficient in and unto himself, nor does he need any of his creations or derive any glory from them. Rather, he manifests his own glory in, by, unto, and on them. He is the only source of all being, by whom, through whom, and to whom everything exists. He has completely sov.. 더보기
Westminster Confession Chapter 2. 1. Westminster Confession Chapter 2. 1. There is only one living and true God, who is infinite in being and perfection, a completely pure spirit, invisible, without body, parts, or emotions, unchangeable, immensely vast, eternal, limitless, almighty, completely wise, completely holy, completely free, and completely absolute. He works everything according to the purpose of his own unchangeable and c.. 더보기
Westminster Confession, Chapter 1, 10. Westminster Confession, Chapter 1, 10. The Holy Spirit speaking in the Bible is the supreme judge of all religious controversies, all decisions of religious councils, all the opinions of ancient writers, all human teachings, and every private opinion. We are to be satisfied with the judgment of him who is and can be the only judge. (번역)... 성경 안에서 말씀하시는 성령님은 모든 종교적 논쟁들, 모든 종교회의의 결정들, 고대의 작가들의 모든 .. 더보기
Westminster Confession, chapter 1, 9 Westminster Confession, chapter 1, 9 The infallible standard for the interpretation of the Bible is the Bible itself. And so any question about the true and complete sense of a passage in the Bible (which is a unified whole) can be answered by referring to other passages which speak more plainly. (번역)... 성경 해석의 확실한 표준은 성경 자체이다. 그러므로 성경(그것은 하나로 합쳐진 전체이다)의 한 본문이 가진 참되고 온전한 의미에 관해서 의문이 제기되면, 성경의 보다.. 더보기