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English Study

나이지리아 부패척결 노력 Nigeria, Fighting Corruption[나이지리아, 부패 척결 노력]EnglishKorean[Lead-In] 1. With Africa set to take center stage at the G-8 summit, leaders will also have to grapple with the issue of whether making money available to African governments encourages corruption. As part of our special Africa At Risk coverage, our Lagos Bureau Chief Jeff Koinange reports on what Nigeria is doing to fight corruption. [Re.. 더보기
러시아의 빈부격차 Russia's Economic Divide[러시아의 빈부 격차]EnglishKorean[Lead-In] 1. Putting our attention to Russia where the trial of Mikhail Khodorkovsky has highlighted the contrast the between the billions enjoyed by such tycoons and modest incomes with which the vast majority of Russians, 145 million people, must live. Charles Hudson reports from Moscow on President Vladimir Putin's grand plans to correct those .. 더보기
2010년 월드컵을 준비하는 남아프리카 South Africa Prepares for 2010 Football World Cup[남아프리카 공화국의 2010년 월드컵 준비]EnglishKorean[Lead-in] 1. Well, as they say, to the victor, the spoils. And for South Africa, its winning bid to host football's 2010 World Cup has the nation in wide-eyed expectation of some huge financial and social benefits from the event. But as Demi Makgabo reports, there's plenty of work ahead. [Report] 2. For the fi.. 더보기
죄송합니다 2005.5.13 (금) - I owe you an apology. 죄송합니다. Owe는 ‘…에게 …을 빚지다’라는 뜻이며, keep in touch with는 ‘…와 연락을 취하다’라는 표현입니다. 영어 Happy Teachers’ Day! I know I owe you an apology because I wasn’t able to keep in touch with you. I’d love to visit you, but I can’t make it this time, either. It’s kind of hard to make time to see you. Saying “thanks” is not enough but there is no other word for it. Thank you for y.. 더보기