Bible & Church/Theological Seminar 썸네일형 리스트형 Westminster Confession Chapter 6 Westminster Confession Chapter 6 The Fall of Man, Sin, and the Punishment for Sin 인간의 타락, 죄, 그리고 죄에 대한 처벌 1. Our first parents were led astray by the cunning temptation of Satan and sinned in eating the forbidden fruit. It pleased God to allow them to sin, because in his wisdom and holiness he planned to order their sin to his own glory. 1. 우리의 첫번째 부모는 사탄의 간교한 유혹에 빠져 어긋난 길로 가게 되었고, 금지된 과일을 먹어 죄를.. 더보기 Westminster Confession Chapter 5: 5-7 Westminster Confession Chapter 5: 5-7 5. In the fullness of his wisdom, righteousness, and grace God often allows his own children to be tempted in various ways and for a time to pursue the corruption of their own hearts. God does this to chastise them for their previous sins and to reveal to them the hidden strength of corruption and deceitfulness in their hearts, so that they may be humbled. I.. 더보기 Westminster Confession Chapter 5. 3-4 Westminster Confession Chapter 5. 3-4 Chapter 5. 3. God uses ordinary means to work out his providence day by day. But, as he pleases, he may work without, beyond, or contrary to these means. (번역) 하나님은 통상적인 수단을 사용하셔서 자신의 섭리를 날마다 실현하신다. 그러나 그분께서는 자신의 기뻐하심을 따라 때로는 이러한 수단 없이. 이러한 수단을 뛰어넘어서, 또는 이런 수단들을 대항하여 일하실 수도 있다. Chapter 5. 4. God’s providence reveals his almighty power, unknowable wisdom, and .. 더보기 Westminster Confession Chapter 5. 2. Westminster Confession Chapter 5. 2. God is the first cause, and in relationship to him everything happens unchangeably and infallibly. However, by this same providence, he orders things to happen from secondary causes. As a result of these secondary causes, some things must inevitably happen; others may or may not happen depending on the voluntary intentions of the agents involved; and some thi.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 11 다음