English Study/YTN 위성통역실 썸네일형 리스트형 이슬람인 대상 증오범죄 center> London Hate Crime[이슬람인 대상 증오범죄]EnglishKorean[Lead-in] 1. The London bombing sparked a wave of attacks, physical and verbal against Muslims in Britain. At the same time, authorities, cracking down on extremists, have put the Muslim community under pressure. More now from Chris Burns. [Story] 2. The boarded up windows of a Bangladeshi mosque in East London, smashed by crowbar wielding atta.. 더보기 뇌사 여성 분만 성공 Brain-Dead Woman Birth[뇌사 여성 분만 성공]EnglishKorean[Lead-In] 1. Now let's take it to Richmont, Virginia in the United States where a woman ravaged by cancer and diagnosed as brain-dead has givin birth to a baby girl. An astounding story. Susan Torres's delivery went smoothly and the baby's said to be doing well in the hospital's Neo Natal Intensive Care Unit. Medical correspondant Elizabeth Cohen h.. 더보기 인도의 폭우 India Floods[인도의 폭우]EnglishKorean[Lead-in] 1. More rain in the city of Mumbai is raising the level of alarm and agitation again. Some 1,000 people have died in western India from floods and landslides brought on by last week’s record breaking monsoons. As Satinda Bindra reports, the floods are hitting the city’s poorest residents hardest. But they are also hitting the city’s image. [Report] 2. N.. 더보기 테러 이후 영국의 관광객 변화 London Tourism[테러 이후 영국의 관광객 변화]EnglishKorean[Lead-in] 1. The recent terror attacks on London’s transit system have put a dent in the city’s tourism industry. But as Chris Burns reports, with the suspected bombers arrested, tourists are slowly coming back. [Report] 2. Through war and peace, the ring of Big Ben has been something Londoners could count on. That’s not the case with the cash registe.. 더보기 이전 1 ··· 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ··· 30 다음