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English Study

지구 생태계 위험 적신호 Ecosystem Warning[지구 생태계 위험 신호]EnglishKorean[Lead-In] 1. A report from the UN says the planet is in trouble and desperately needs help. Sources of fish and fresh water are so overexploited, it says, they can no longer sustain current or future demand. The UN report involve more than 1,000 scientists from 95 countries and looks at what can be done as well to redress the planet. Diana Muriel has t.. 더보기
아기가 아주 순해요. 2005.4.8 (금) - She’s been an absolute angel. 아기가 아주 순해요. Angel은 ‘천사 같은[순진무구한] 사람’을 뜻하며 cranky는 ‘까다로운’, feel something is missing은 ‘허전함을 느끼다’라는 뜻입니다. 영어 Hey! You’re right. Next Monday will be the big day for me! I can’t wait to see you. The good thing is my baby is not being too cranky! She’s been an absolute angel. By the way, I heard the rumor that our supervisor was going to quit her job. So i.. 더보기
미국, '바이오 여권' 득보다 실 U.S. Biometric Passport Troubles Loom[미국 '바이오 여권' 득보다 실]EnglishKorean[Lead-in] 1. U.S.-imposed October deadline on biometric passports is proving too much for some. Only a clutch of European nations will have the hightech passports ready in time to guarantee visa-free entry into the United States. Without the hightech passports visitors from most of the 27 currently visa-exempt countries will fa.. 더보기
무가베, 야당탄압 비난 받아 Mugabe Accused of Suppressing Opposition[무가베, 야당 탄압 비난받아]EnglishKorean[Lead-in] 1. In Zimbabwe the opposition is charging that President Bugabe’s using violence and intimidation to steal the vote in Thursday’s parliamentary elections. When Mr. Bugabe took office in 1980 he was hailed by many as a progressive leader. Now U.S. President George W. Bush calls Zimbabwe an outpost of tranny. Jeff Coin.. 더보기