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English Study

이집트에서 발견된 특별한 미이라 Doesn’t Look a Day over 2,000[이집트에서 발견된 특별한 미이라]EnglishKorean[Lead-in] 1. The year is 100 B.C. Julius Caesar is born in Rome. The Chinese discover natural gas and somewhere in northern Egypt, a person is buried. But this isn't your run of the mill mummy as Cairo bureau chief Ben Wedeman discovers. [Report] 2. In most places putting your head in the sand won't get you anywhere. Egypt is an except.. 더보기
아프카니스탄의 아편재배 Afghanistan's Opium Trade[아프가니스탄의 아편 재배]EnglishKorean[Lead-in] 1. A man described as a top Afghan drug lord was arrested in New York this week. Bashir Noorzai is accused of leading an international heroine trafficking ring. His arrest again cast a spotlight on Afghanistan's illegal drugs industry, a trade that makes up more than a third of the country's economy. Chandrica Nuryan has that. [Repor.. 더보기
스리랑카 열차사고 Sri Lanka Crash Kills at Least 37 People[스리랑카 열차사고]EnglishKorean[Lead-in] 1. Meanwhile in Sri Lanka, police say a train struck a bus in north of the capital, killing at least 37 people, injuring 60. And authorities say the bus driver is entirely to blame for that accident. Yunice Yun has more. [Report] 2. An ambulance rushes to one of Sri Lanka's worst train accidents in years. Northeast of the .. 더보기
허블 망원경, 수명 다 됐나? The Fate of Hubble Space Telescope[허블 망원경, 수명 다 됐나?]EnglishKorean[Lead-in] 1. Welcome back. The Hubble space telescope celebrates 15 years in space, but is its time now up? The ailing telescope is in need of major repairs and scientists are looking at ways to extend Hubble’s life. ITN’s Laurence Bigenti has details. [Story] 2. The Hubble telescope has orbited the earth 88,000 times, 370 miles ab.. 더보기