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Bible & Church

Westminster Confession Chapter 5. 3-4 Westminster Confession Chapter 5. 3-4 Chapter 5. 3. God uses ordinary means to work out his providence day by day. But, as he pleases, he may work without, beyond, or contrary to these means. (번역) 하나님은 통상적인 수단을 사용하셔서 자신의 섭리를 날마다 실현하신다. 그러나 그분께서는 자신의 기뻐하심을 따라 때로는 이러한 수단 없이. 이러한 수단을 뛰어넘어서, 또는 이런 수단들을 대항하여 일하실 수도 있다. Chapter 5. 4. God’s providence reveals his almighty power, unknowable wisdom, and .. 더보기
Why Go To Church? Why Go To Church? - A Must Read Story A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. ‘I’ve gone for 30 years now,’ he wrote, ‘and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can’t remember a single one of them. So, I think I’m wasting my time and the priests are wasting theirs by g.. 더보기
Westminster Confession Chapter 5. 2. Westminster Confession Chapter 5. 2. God is the first cause, and in relationship to him everything happens unchangeably and infallibly. However, by this same providence, he orders things to happen from secondary causes. As a result of these secondary causes, some things must inevitably happen; others may or may not happen depending on the voluntary intentions of the agents involved; and some thi.. 더보기
Westminster Confession Chapter 5. 1. Westminster Confession Chapter 5. 1. God, who created everything, also upholds everything. He directs, regulates, and governs every creature, action, and thing, from the greatest to the least, by his completely wise and holy providence. He does so in accordance with his infallible foreknowledge and the voluntary, unchangeable purpose of his own will, all to the praise of the glory of his wisdom,.. 더보기